Lake Township
Stark County, Ohio

Welcome to the official website of Lake Township.

Departments - Fire

Fire/EMS protection is provided to Lake Township residents by three private fire companies: Greentown Volunteer Fire Department, Uniontown Volunteer Fire Department and Hartville Volunteer Fire Department. The fire departments are funded by township fire levies which produce in excess of one million dollars per year. The levy proceeds are distributed evenly between the three departments. All three fire departments are under contract to provide service to the entire unincorporated area of Lake Township. The fire companies provide Lake Township residents with free emergency transportation to area hospitals.

Because Lake Township does not have its own fire department, the Ohio Revised Code requires that we appoint a fire prevention officer to exercise all duties of a fire chief except those involving the maintenance and operation of fire apparatus. Lake Township appoints the Chief of one fire department as the Lake Township Fire Prevention Officer and the Chief of the other two departments as the Deputy Fire Prevention Officer. These appointments are rotated on an annual basis. The following link will provide information on Ohio EPA’s Open Burning Regulations:

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