Lake Township
Stark County, Ohio

Welcome to the official website of Lake Township.

Services / Information - Phase II Storm Water

Lake Required to Obtain Permission for
Stormwater Discharges

Lake Township is one of many political subdivisions throughout the state of Ohio that is required to submit an application to the Ohio EPA for a permit to comply with Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. This federal mandate is part of the USEPA’s Stormwater program resulting from the Clean Water Act. What this means is that Lake Township will be required to develop a Stormwater Management Program to address pollutants in runoff from roadside ditches, curbs and gutters, storm sewers, and culverts. The U.S. EPA has determined that improperly managing stormwater runoff may lead to environmental problems such as flooding, community health problems, and the degradation of the quality of our nation’s water bodies. As part of their programs, affected political subdivisions must develop and implement Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to comply with six control measures:

1.  Public Education and Outreach
2.  Public Participation and Involvement
3.  Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
4.  Construction Site Runoff Control
5.  Post Construction Site Runoff Control in New Developments & Redevelopment
6.  Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

The intended result is to reduce or eliminate pollutants in stormwater runoff into streams and lakes.

Lake Township has entered into a Consortium Agreement with Stark County Regional Planning Commission and various political subdivisions in Stark County for the purpose of preparing permit applications and assisting the subdivisions with submission of the applications to the OEPA.

Lake Township residents who may have questions or concerns regarding the proposed Stormwater Management Program are encouraged to contact the township office at (330) 877-9479 or follow the links below to find out what you can do to help prevent stormwater runoff from picking up debris and other pollutants and depositing them into storm sewer systems.

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