Lake Township
Stark County, Ohio

Welcome to the official website of Lake Township.

Trustees - Responsibilities

The Constitutional Powers and Responsibilities of the
Board of Lake Township Trustees

The Lake Township Board of Trustees is responsible for the unincorporated area of Lake Township as defined by the Ohio Revised Code and meet in regular session to consider township business at hand. The powers and duties of the local officials are limited by the Ohio Revised Code (ORC). Some of the powers that are granted to the trustees are as follows:

A board of township trustees has the authority to employ police officers and constables and create police districts. These officers and constables, in general, have the same authority and powers that the law grants to a sheriff. Lake Township is patrolled by the Stark County Sheriff and a nine square mile area in the Uniontown area is covered by the Uniontown Police Department.

A board of township trustees has the authority to establish township fire protection. The Board presently contracts with three (3) private fire companies. A fire prevention officer is also required to be on staff of the township.

A board of township trustees may purchase, appropriate, construct, enlarge, improve, repair or equip a township park. Monies may be used from township general funds to acquire or improve a park or the board may levy a tax. However, if an additional tax is required, it must be submitted to the township voters for approval. The township may establish and operate a park along or in cooperation with another political subdivision.

The State of Ohio authorized township zoning in 1947. In November of 1958 voters in Lake Township approved zoning in our township. Once approved by the voters, Lake Township’s first zoning resolution went into effect. The purpose of township zoning is to protect the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its citizens. The Ohio Revised Code authorizes a board of township trustees to create, in addition to the position of a zoning Inspector, two boards – the zoning commission and the quasi-judicial board of zoning appeals.

The board of trustees is responsible for reconstructing and maintaining the public roadways in the township. The care and maintenance of the township road system is one of the largest functions that the board of trustees undertakes. Today Lake Township has approximately 131.97 miles of township roads.

The board of trustees has the authority to offer economic development incentives such as enterprise zones to attract new businesses and create new jobs to benefit Lake Township’s residents.

The board of trustees has limited additional authority as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code. A board of township trustees does not have the authority to raise property taxes.

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